Cymdeithas Hanes Mechell



Cegin Filwr

Anglesey Trading Company


Brynddu a’r Dyddiaduron  

Yr Eglwys

John Elias

Ffair Mechell

Maes Mawr



Yr Oriel

Syr Owen Thomas

Y Feddanen

a’r Wygyr

William Jones,


Fortunatus Wright,


Jos Y  Crown

Cofeb Llanfechell

 Capeli Llanfechell

Ol cnydau yng Ngharrog

Yr Hen Lan

Enwau Lleoedd

Robert Williams, Blaenor

Swyddfa’r Post

Gweirydd ap Rhys

Demograffeg Llanfechell 1851 a 1901

Mynwent Llanfechell

William Bulkeley a thlodion Llanfechell

Meini Hirion

yn ôl i Enwau Lleoedd


Ar dir fferm Bodorwedd, saif tair o Feini Hirion. Safant ar ben bryn, fel eu bod i’w gweld o bob cae islaw.  Mae dwy o’r meini yn 7 troedfedd o uchder a’r un arall yn 6 troedfedd.  Maent tua 3 troedfedd o drwch ar eu lletaf.

"To the west of the church, and about a mile distant from it, are three upright stones, ten feet in height, disposed in the form of a triangle, twelve feet distant from each other, and supposed to be the remaining supporters of an ancient cromlech, which must, from the elevation of the stones, have been one of the loftiest monuments of that kind in the island ; the table stone, if ever there was one, has disappeared ; but the farm on which the upright stones are found still retains the name of the "Cromlech."

A Topographical Dictionary of Wales

Samuel Lewis, 1833

ar lein: Genuki

Safle’r Meini Hirion

yn ôl i frig y dudalen

Cliciwch ar y map i’w weld yn fwy